ania sauku

legal assistant

Ania Sauku is a Legal Assistant at Frost & Fire Consulting. She is currently a fourth-year law student in the integrated law degree program at the European University of Tirana.

Ania joined Frost & Fire Consulting as part of its Summer Associate program due to her excellent academic results, and particularly her performance at the inaugural Negotiation Competition organized by Frost & Fire Consulting. Ania won first place in the “best negotiators” category.

Ania’s is dedicated to expanding her knowledge of substantive areas that she is enthusiastic about – energy and environmental law, labor and migration law, international arbitration, real estate, and corporate law. Apart from academics, Ania has worked with international youth organizations, UNICEF, the Climate Youth Negotiators Program and the US Embassy Youth Council.

Ania has an excellent command of English and moderate proficiency in French. You can contact her by phone at +35544500230 or via email at [email protected]