organization development

Whether you need to redesign parts or your entire business structure to be aligned with your corporate strategy or you need to take a closer look at your workforce issues, our consultants can help you identify and analyze your problems in order to solve them. At Frost & Fire Consulting, we do not want your organization to just meet its goals but also to become better prepared and more adept at tackling future challenges. Our organization development services include the following:

Strategic Planning

A strategic plan is crucial to maintaining an organization that can withstand time and respond to market pressures. We can help you develop a robust strategic plan by assisting in conducting an honest assessment of your current state of affairs and external environment, establishing a direction in which you want to move your company in the future, defining your objectives, determining your accountability framework, and designing a formal strategic plan review process.

Organization Design

We can assist your company in building procedures (including corporate governance framework and human resources tools), organizational structures, systems, and workflows that are aligned with your business strategy and enable achievement of your business goals.

Business Process Redesign

We can work with you to analyze how you are doing a specific process and determine whether there is a better way to design how that specific process gets done.

Change Management

Planning and implementing significant changes can be challenging, stressful, and politically difficult. We can assist with planning, communicating, and implementing change not only with our know-how change management processes but also with the credibility of an outside party to your organization.

Talent Management and Workforce Planning

Having the right people in the right roles with the right set of skills and at the right time is difficult but achievable. We can work with your managers to assess your company's work priorities and to identify the roles, skills, and knowledge that are critical for your company to be successful. Based on this workforce assessment, we can then conduct a talent review to find the strengths and gaps in your workforce and enable further workforce development activities.

Performance Management

We can help you integrate in your existing business functions, best-practice performance management processes that fit your company culture and workforce. We can also ensure through training that the process is understood and can be applied correctly by your managers and employees.

Training and Development Solutions

Whether you need individualized coaching for your senior managers or an in-the-job training program for your salespeople, we will work with you to develop the best training and development solution for your people and business.

Monitoring and Evaluations

Our members' experience with international organizations coupled with our results-oriented corporate expertise places Frost & Fire Consulting in a unique position to assist clients who need the systematic and routine collection of information from projects and programs from their inception to completion in order to use the experience gained as a basis to steer decision-making and learning processes. In addition, we can provide an objective evaluation of a completed phase or project to appraise the data and information gathered from monitoring to assess whether it has met the required objectives, its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability.