The telecommunications industry has globally undergone profound changes over the last two decades, but such changes have arguably affected no country more so than Albania. Recognizing the potential of applying information and communication technology to improve both social and economic development, Albania has gone from a country where families with landline telephones were a rarity to one with a rapidly growing Internet usage penetration and 185 percent mobile phone penetration (compared with the average of 124 percent in EU countries). The market’s growth potential has attracted international investment into both the incumbent and alternative operators. Members of our firm have significant experience in the Albanian telecommunications sector. They have been involved (i) at the board and senior management level of the companies operating in the telecommunication sector, (ii) in the relation with the regulator of the telecommunications market, (iii) in the taxation of the sector, as well as (iv) in the privatization of various telecommunications companies when the Albanian government decided to privatize all of its interests in the sector. In addition to our local experience, members of our corporate team have assisted global and prominent telecommunications clients such as Time Warner Cable, AOL, and Citizens Communications with mergers and acquisitions, commercial banking, securities offerings, and other complex financing transactions as well as corporate board advisory work.